Safety is a top priority and that includes yours as well! I’m 100% independent so no one else will ever see your screening information and I’m the sole administrator of my website. My contact form is encrypted and for additional security, form entries are sent to a secure offshore email account and never stored on this server. The email service I use to receive booking form information is based in Switzerland where there are strict privacy laws. I do not keep any written or electronic records pertaining to my clientele.

What is SSL protection?

A website that’s SSL protected will display a lock icon in the address bar. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and it’s the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and protecting any sensitive data that is being sent. This prevents a third party from reading and modifying any information transferred, including personal details.

About My Contact Form

Form entries are encrypted and client data is never collected or stored on my website’s server (or anywhere else for that matter). Contrary to what some people may think, a contact form does NOT send information to any third-party websites or databases unless it’s specifically set up to do so. After setting up my form I disabled the option to save entries and I did multiple test runs and checked my website’s databases as an added precaution.

SiteLock Secure

SiteLock protects my site against malware, hackers and viruses. In turn, this provides an additional layer of security for you when browsing my site or sending screening information.


©Samantha Skye 2019 – 2024